Tag Archives: Activities

Damià Gomis Bosch, winner of the Pere Prats Prize on the Environment

Views: 159

The jury has unanimously nominated Damià Gomis Bosch as the winner of the Pere Prats Prize for the Environment. The jury considers that Damià Gomis possesses all the qualities that merit the Pere Prats Prize 2018 because of a scientific career notable for his researches into the marine ecosystem and its link with the climate and, by extension, to the possible effects from climate change both now and in the future, and for his work on a project of international renown. Continue reading Damià Gomis Bosch, winner of the Pere Prats Prize on the Environment

Fig trees for sustainable agricultural diversification

Views: 162

On Sunday 21 October a group of more than twenty volunteers took part on a working day of planting fig trees in the Torralbet farm, near Ciutadella. This farm has autochthonous cattle, and makes, amongst other products, cheese known as “Tres Tocs” from a mixture of milk from sheep, goats and cows. In order to help in product diversification the GOB volunteers planted 15 fig trees of different varieties. To enable them to grow strongly during their first years, a fence was built round each of them as protection from cattle and other animals. Continue reading Fig trees for sustainable agricultural diversification

Sunday 4 November, excursion to Torrellissar and So na Caҫana

Views: 146

Torrellissar and So na Caçana will be the places visited for the excursion programmed for 4 November. It is necessary to register for this as places are limited by filling in this form.

The scene of Torrellissar shows a table surrounded by a stone wall and entry is gained by a corridor covered with slab stones. Continue reading Sunday 4 November, excursion to Torrellissar and So na Caҫana

Latest news from October

Views: 142

Due to holidays, notices over the last two weeks have not been published. Here is a resumé of some.

17 October Son Bou and the controversial hotels

Despite Melia Hotels having promised to demolish some of the higher levels of the hotels rather than modernising them, they have presented a project maintaining the same number of floors. If they get the licence it will not eliminate anything from the previous authorisation. Continue reading Latest news from October

One hundred people took part in collecting plastics from s’Estany

Views: 147

The working day for collecting plastics on Sunday 16 September represented a new demonstration of public awareness. One hundred people signed up for the 8.30 am appointment organized by GOB. Some hours later, at the end, they had collected 475 kilograms of rubbish. Of these, only 36 kilograms were suitable for recycling. Continue reading One hundred people took part in collecting plastics from s’Estany

Sunday 19 August – a tasting of melon at the Mahon farmers market

Views: 116

Watermelon and melon are typical summer fruits. Sweet, juicy and refreshing they are perfect on a hot day. This Sunday, 19 August, between 11.30 and 12.30 there is an opportunity to taste those grown on the farms signed up to the Land Stewardship Scheme at the Farmers Market in the Plaça Reial, Mahon.

The Farmers Market has products from farms that have an endorsement of good practice, because they have ecological certification or have an agreement with the Land Stewardship Scheme, or because as farmers, they have contracted to fulfil certain agrarian obligations with the Reserve of the Biosphere. This summer they have organised different activities to invigorate the market and bring greater awareness to the public of produce grown with a commitment to good practice.

Es Capell de Ferro and Santo Domingo are two of the farms that have signed up to the Land Stewardship scheme and have ecological certification and whose stalls are at the market place each Sunday. Sausages, greens and fruit are not only food for people but their growth also nourish the natural values of the island. You can taste sandia and melons from these farms.

This activity is part of the program of the Land Stewardship Scheme developed by GOB and has the help of the Island Governing Council and the Mahon Town Hall.