Views: 170
The two magnificent funerary navetas of Rafal Rubí will be the destination of the excursion by foot which has been organised for next Sunday, 14 May. Continue reading Sunday 14 May, excursion to the navetas of Rafal Rubí
Views: 170
The two magnificent funerary navetas of Rafal Rubí will be the destination of the excursion by foot which has been organised for next Sunday, 14 May. Continue reading Sunday 14 May, excursion to the navetas of Rafal Rubí
Views: 184
The lobby group, Menorca without Fossil Fuels, has organised a protest march to stop further investments in energy requiring fossil fuels and to ask that the Central Power Station in Mahon changes its importation of combustible gas to natural gas brought here by boats. This initiative coincides with an international week of actions demanding a stop to investing in fossil fuels and in Menorca it will be preceded by a series of talks and conferences all over the island. Continue reading Menorca March 13 May for a clean energy
Views: 193
The Consell Insular and GOB are organising an excursion on foot on Sunday 26 March. It will go along rural paths and the coast finishing at the walled village of Cala Morell, which has recently been excavated. Continue reading Sunday 26 March, excursion to the end of the coast of Cala Morell
Views: 191
More than a hundred people took part on an excursion celebrating the Day of the Balears, on 1 March. This was organised by the Consell Insular as part of the festivities in conjunction with GOB. Continue reading Report on walk to learn the history of Torelló
Views: 218
Recently, the volunteers at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals have had the opportunity of some training on the handling of wild animals and giving them first aid when injured by accidents. Thanks to the commitment and dedicated altruism of many people, last year in 2016, the Centre marked a historical record by attending to more than 1000 animals. Continue reading Learning how to look after the wild animals
Views: 727
There is a little time left before closing the list for the course to learn about the plants of Menorca. There will be excursions and theory talks during March. Continue reading Just a few days left to register on the course about plants
Views: 139
Excursion by foot for a guided visit by an archaeologist to the ancient site of Torelló. Continue reading Wednesday 1 March, excursion to Torelló
Views: 181
After days of storms and rain, on Sunday 29 January we had a very agreeable day along the coast between Son Saura and Es Talaier, discovering the particular flora of the area. About 60 people listened to the explanations given by the botanic group of GOB-IME. Continue reading Walk to learn about plants in sunshine
Views: 176
An excursion has been organised for Sunday 29 January to learn about the plants of Son Saura, near Ciutadella. Son Saura is a part of the south coast which is particularly interesting because of its variety of environments, from the sand dunes on the beach, the Bellavista wetlands, the rocky coast, the olive trees, the pines, the sea… It is an opportunity to learn how the Mediterranean plants of Menorca have adapted to its varied conditions. Continue reading Sunday 29 January, excursion to learn about plants
Views: 138
More than 90 people showed sufficient courage to defy the bad weather forecast and joined the excursion organised last Sunday by the Consell Insular and GOB because of the festival of Sant Antoni. Continue reading Son Olivaret walk 15 January 2017