Tag Archives: Activities

Make your own nettle purine

Views: 260

This Saturday, 7 March at 10 am, there will be a workshop at Es Viver of GOB to explain how to make a good nettle purine, a remedy for strengthening garden plants. Nettle plants, with waste from the kitchen and garden provide resources for making ecological compost for strengthening plant cultivation or preventing and curing diseases in them. The workshop is open to everyone, is free and it is not necessary to book. Continue reading Make your own nettle purine

Sunday 2, excursion to Ses Roques LlisEs and na Comerma de Sa Garita

Views: 227

A new excursion for the cycle “Are we Talyotic?” is scheduled for Sunday 2 February. On this occasion, we will visit three archaeological sites: the megalithic tomb of Ses Roques Llises, the monument of Na Comerma de Sa Garita and a part of the settlement of Torre d’en Galmés. Continue reading Sunday 2, excursion to Ses Roques LlisEs and na Comerma de Sa Garita

Sunday 1 December excursion to Sa Cudia Cremada

Views: 472

The last excursion of the year for has been organised for Sunday 1 December to see an archaeological site of great interest. This is Sa Cudia Cremada in Mahon where an enclosed taula is being excavated. Islamic, Roman and Phoenician remains have been found at this archaeological site. Current excavation gives new information relating to how the areas around the prehistoric taulas were used. Continue reading Sunday 1 December excursion to Sa Cudia Cremada

Menorca’s favourable response to the climate

Views: 217

A morning full of activity between the schools, of symbolic stoppages at institutions and businesses, preceded the protest concerning the climate celebrated on Friday 27 September. Already, the previous week had been filled with activities related to the problem of climate change. Workshops, projects, debates, theatre and news had taken place thanks to the selfless help of many people who wanted to add to the initiatives promoted by the Platform of Menorca for the Climate. Continue reading Menorca’s favourable response to the climate