Tag Archives: Economy

Demonstrations with results. Demolition of the huge roundabout at l’Argentina

Views: 266

The intended two level roundabouts between Ferreries and Ciutadella (at Son Sintes and Es Tudons) have been cancelled. And now, the Council for the Environment has ruled that the half constructed bridge at l’Argentina between Mahon and Alaior be demolished. Continue reading Demonstrations with results. Demolition of the huge roundabout at l’Argentina

Urban speculation disguised for rural tourism

Views: 214

Menorca is seeing an avalanche of projects theoretically orientated towards a new offer of tourist accommodation in the countryside. But some of these enterprises simply seem to be looking for the old economic recipe: speculative property development. There are cases where it is easy to see through their proposals. Continue reading Urban speculation disguised for rural tourism

Come to the Agricultural Fair in Ferreries

Views: 185

This Saturday, 8 July, Es Viver, the GOB garden centre, will be at the Ferreries Agricultural Fair in the Plaza España from 17.00 hours. We are hoping to be able to take part in the activities organised by APAEMA where there will be the sale of ecological products which are instigating the change towards sustainability. Continue reading Come to the Agricultural Fair in Ferreries

Up to our Necks

Views: 199

Menorca has the luck to be able to foresee, to a large extent, its possible future taking into account what is happening to its neighbouring islands. Mallorca and Ibiza started the metamorphosis, and have suffered the consequences of an unlimited growth in tourism much more than has Menorca. With examples so close by it is not difficult to want to intervene where we possibly can and stop what could happen if we do not take steps. Continue reading Up to our Necks