Tag Archives: Proposals

Agricultural exemptions or building deregulation in the country?

Views: 204

The practice of giving a picture of the farming industry as being part of the countryside and the landscape is sometimes used to mask less attractive activities. The draft of a law being drawn up by the Directorate General for Agriculture of the Balearic Government to give exemptions on conditions for buildings and agricultural facilities includes parts which appear unacceptable. Continue reading Agricultural exemptions or building deregulation in the country?

Sewage and green filters

Views: 372

Time to treat sewage without mains drains

It is currently being discussed if a moratorium to stop the further construction of houses in areas without mains drains can be made by the Balearic Government. In GOB we think that the problem is not only with the building of new houses, but also with the hundreds that already exist causing nitrates to enter the Minorcan aquifer each day. Continue reading Sewage and green filters

Another red kite electrocuted on the same electricity pylon

Views: 220

Another red kite has been found dead at the bottom of the same electricity pylon on the Camí d´en Kane as the two for which GOB made an official complaint earlier in the year. In view of the lack of an effective answer, GOB will increase the pressure on those in charge of finding a solution to this problem. Continue reading Another red kite electrocuted on the same electricity pylon

The Case for Renewable Energy in the Region

Views: 231

Work to be done on renewable energy for Menorca

In general, most people are agreed on the importance of renewable energy. However, there is disagreement on how it ought to be established in the region. The recent case of the project for six wind turbines being refused at s´Era Vella to the north of Ciutadella is a good example of what happens as a result of conflict of interests and possible outcomes. Continue reading The Case for Renewable Energy in the Region