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[Translation of an interview to Carlos Coll in Diari Menorca]
Brakes should be applied to the increase in tourism
The new leader of the ecology association wants to give more publicity to its activities and to get other groups on the island involved.
From the bank to volunteering and from volunteering to the presidency of the well-established ecological association of Menorca. Carlos Coll Pons (1950, San Luis) has accepted the proposal of the assembly of GOB to succeed Jaume Obrador as its president. Although his past work does not have much in common with this new commitment, he is a cheerful chap from Sant Lluís and open to following the line of his predecessor and especially in promoting and publicising the number of activities carried out by the association. With dialogue and respect he deems it necessary to control the number of tourists visiting in peak season and to highlight those policies which preserve the island’s landscape. Continue reading Interview to our President Carlos Coll