Tag Archives: Economy

Menorca already exceeds its available boating capacity

Views: 268

The General Plan of the Balearic Ports has been accompanied by an obligatory study for the available boating capacity in Menorca. The resulting figures have surpassed reality for some years. The data, available at an official level, ought to make port managers and companies with nautical links rethink their activities. Menorca should supply good service, attention and repairs but not increase its number of moorings. Continue reading Menorca already exceeds its available boating capacity

Time to impose limits

Views: 339

Effects linked to the pandemic have provoked a sudden change in the type of tourism. Fewer people require an all-inclusive holiday at a hotel with swimming pool, now there are more who come independently wanting to go to the coves, squares and restaurants. That is roughly how it has been and enough has been talked about it. However, let us profit by analysing the matter further. Continue reading Time to impose limits

On 29 July, we entered into an ecological deficit. Watch what you eat.

Views: 560

The Earth Overshoot Day marks the day in the year when the natural resources demanded by humanity is greater than the earth is able to regenerate completely for the year. That day was 29 July 2021, when we humans had consumed the produce and emitted as much pollution as the earth is capable of generating and regenerating during this year. Continue reading On 29 July, we entered into an ecological deficit. Watch what you eat.

Es Molí de Baix joins the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 261

Immense cliffs, Egyptian vultures flying above, shade from holm oaks, pines and irrigation ditches remind us of past times. We are entering a place of great ecological and cultural value, notable for its legends and history that hides Es Moli de Baix, a farm newly incorporated into the network of the Land Stewardship Scheme. Continue reading Es Molí de Baix joins the Land Stewardship Scheme

Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

Views: 1662

The difficulties of the milk subsector; the obstacle of amitgeria (the traditional Menorcan deal between landlords and farmers); the costs and the time that the farmers need to invest in the bureaucracy; the opportunities of new markets; the effects of the arrival of new investors; the strategies for improving the cost effectiveness of agriculture; and other interesting aspects, will be discussed this Thursday at an event organized by GOB. Continue reading Thursday 17 June discussion on today and tomorrow in the agricultural world

A New Generation of farmers with the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 430

Between L’Agentina and Alcaidús there are 68 hectares of land managed by a young farmer full of hopes and dreams. Torralba d’en Salord has entered the Land Stewardship Scheme. This farm is run mainly for stock watered by rain, and its principal activity is for pasturing animals and sowing oats, both indigenous varieties of Menorca. With the intention of respecting the rhythm of the soil, the place is divided into two areas, one for grazing and one for sowing cereals, by rotation. Sowing legumes is one of the objectives, intended to be achieved soon, in order to improve the fertility of the soil. Continue reading A New Generation of farmers with the Land Stewardship Scheme

An update on the hotels association

Views: 269

Earlier in the past month, there was an interview in the local press with the president of the hotels association of Menorca. One of the notable proposals made by this spokesperson was to enlarge coastal urbanisations, starting by removing land protection. GOB considers that this proposal is outdated, coming from the past century, and could be hiding personal interests. Continue reading An update on the hotels association