Tag Archives: Proposals

Commitment to the farmers of sustainable agriculture. We all gain

Views: 221

The COVID 19 health crisis is being solved, but the resulting economic crisis has only just begun. Now is the time to set out a preferred economic and social plan. Our purchasing decisions can be tools for change, through which we are able to support a new model.

Products from the Land Stewardship Scheme are healthy, produced in an environmentally friendly manner and promote the local economy. They are a commitment to sustainability for the economic and social viability of the Island. What more can you want? Continue reading Commitment to the farmers of sustainable agriculture. We all gain

Ideas for public investment confronting an economic recession

Views: 266

The intervention of government ministries considering investment at the end of the economic crisis following the pandemic emergency, must take into account that public money is for generating work at the same time as solving environmental problems. There are many possibilities for directing efforts along these lines. Here are various proposals. Continue reading Ideas for public investment confronting an economic recession

Home deliveries of farm products of the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 401

Because of the current situation with people confined to their houses and with limited permission to go out, house deliveries are a good resource. For this reason, the farms that are part of GOB’s Land Stewardship Scheme, have organized a delivery service. This allows us to eat fresh and healthy food that is eco-friendly and produced in Menorca. Continue reading Home deliveries of farm products of the Land Stewardship Scheme

Good news about posidonia and the sea

Views: 342

The course of action taken by GOB on the sea environment that it started in Menorca a year and a half ago is giving good results. Recently, a series of measures were approved concerning the seabed because of the action taken. Mongofra, Addaia, Fornells, the Ila de l’Aire and other places, have all benefitted from the conservation projects approved at the last meeting of the Balearic Government’s Posidonia Committee. Continue reading Good news about posidonia and the sea

Management of pathways is called for

Views: 212

Menorca is suffering from a series of impacts on the natural values of its environment caused by people traversing some of these fragile areas. GOB has made formal presentations to the Catalogue of the Pathways of Ciutadella emphasising the need to plan effective management of areas where breeding is recorded and that require a minimum of tranquillity. Continue reading Management of pathways is called for

Menorca’s favourable response to the climate

Views: 218

A morning full of activity between the schools, of symbolic stoppages at institutions and businesses, preceded the protest concerning the climate celebrated on Friday 27 September. Already, the previous week had been filled with activities related to the problem of climate change. Workshops, projects, debates, theatre and news had taken place thanks to the selfless help of many people who wanted to add to the initiatives promoted by the Platform of Menorca for the Climate. Continue reading Menorca’s favourable response to the climate

The Plan of the Ports and nautical sustainability

Views: 223

The Plan of the Balearic Ports has recently become available for consultation, prior to its environmental processing. GOB is asking for a review of some of its planned activities such as enabling docking points for large cruise ships in Ciutadella; the enlarging of the sports port of Addaia and the remodelling of the moorings in Fornells. Likewise, an examination of the analysis of the nautical capacity of Menorca. Continue reading The Plan of the Ports and nautical sustainability

Let us prioritise renewables and not piped gas

Views: 186

Menorca needs to move on with urgency to renewable energies. Figures showing the level of contamination from the central power station are becoming more and more unsustainable. Relating to this, constructing a network of piped gas through all the streets of towns is an obsolete idea that does not fit in with the necessity for the island to make its own, clean energy. Continue reading Let us prioritise renewables and not piped gas

Sign the petition for public monitoring of the Central Power Station

Views: 161

The emissions from the Central Power Station in Mahon are worrying because of their potential adverse effects on the environment and the health of the people. GOB is sending written requests to the Balearic Government for the installation of a meter system to be made available to the public so that anyone can make current readings of the levels of contamination from the power station. You can sign here (https://www.gobmenorca.com/firma-per-un-control-public-de-les-emissions-contaminants-a-menorca). Continue reading Sign the petition for public monitoring of the Central Power Station