All posts by GOB Menorca

Wind direction multiplies pollutants in Mahon

Views: 262

We have studied how the direction of the wind affects the measurements of the pollutants, and show that the winds from the north increase the concentrations of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen by 4 to 8 times. When the wind comes from the direction of the Central Electricity Power Station, these pollutants go as far as the town of Mahon. A change to the criterion of the production of electricity to that which prioritises the health of the public is urgently required. Continue reading Wind direction multiplies pollutants in Mahon

Public participation in the rescue of the coast: round table this Friday

Views: 203

This Friday, 5 March at 20pm, there will be a round table discussion on examples of public involvement for the rescue of the coast of Menorca. The programme of adopting sections of the coast is an example of how people and companies respond to solving significant problems when we channel our worries into one appropriate organization. Continue reading Public participation in the rescue of the coast: round table this Friday

Menorca Region of European Gastronomy, discussion on 19 February

Views: 563

Menorca was appointed in January last year to be the Region of European Gastronomy for 2020. To talk on what it will be about and the importance such a project can have for Menorca, will be Luisa Coll Hellyer, who was appointed the coordinator for the project and Borja Matoses, food critic, consultant and ambassador for the Menorca Region of European Gastronomy. The event will take place on Friday at 8 pm and you can follow it at

Continue reading Menorca Region of European Gastronomy, discussion on 19 February

Series of debates in February and March

Views: 268

Last Friday was the start of a new series of round table talks dedicated to innovatory projects in Menorca. They are organized by the Ateneu in Mahon and GOB with the collaboration of the Menorca Preservation Fund. They can be followed by video conferencing. The first one was on Friday dealing with the problem of rubbish and was titled “Collection and processing of domestic rubbish in Menorca”. Continue reading Series of debates in February and March

Successful recuperation of a flamingo saved after a storm

Views: 384

The Centre for the Recuperation of Wild Animals recently set free an adult male flamingo that had arrived in the island exhausted after the Filomena storm. The recuperation of this bird was particularly complicated but eventually it was possible to liberate it in the Mongofra salt beds, where a group of about forty of these animals are wintering. Continue reading Successful recuperation of a flamingo saved after a storm

Saturday 6 February, kitchen gardens without pests and fertile soil biology

Views: 189

The second day of the Seminars on Agriculture and the Environment will take place on Saturday 6 February. There will be two talks on the ecological management of kitchen gardens for the control of pests and for understanding soil microbiology in order to maximise the period of plant production. Subscriptions are now open and can be made as explained at the end of this notice. Continue reading Saturday 6 February, kitchen gardens without pests and fertile soil biology