The week of Rubbish and Recycling in Menorca, 15 – 21 May

Views: 396

These days, filled with various events, includes the Week of Rubbish and Recycling in Menorca from 15 to 21 May. The week will be made up of films to be shown in different localities, conferences for understanding the management of rubbish on the island and the experiences of recycling in other places, and also a day of collecting and taking away rubbish from roads and paths. Continue reading The week of Rubbish and Recycling in Menorca, 15 – 21 May

Menorca March 13 May for a clean energy

Views: 191

The lobby group, Menorca without Fossil Fuels, has organised a protest march to stop further investments in energy requiring fossil fuels and to ask that the Central Power Station in Mahon changes its importation of combustible gas to natural gas brought here by boats. This initiative coincides with an international week of actions demanding a stop to investing in fossil fuels and in Menorca it will be preceded by a series of talks and conferences all over the island. Continue reading Menorca March 13 May for a clean energy

Statistics show a shortage of monitoring the Marine Reserve

Views: 208

When the demonstration last January took place to demand greater protection of the Marine Reserve to the north of Menorca, it was then announced that GOB would be able to consult the records of fines levied in the last few years. It has been done. The records have been analysed showing what fines have been made during the last six years by different groups monitoring fishing. Continue reading Statistics show a shortage of monitoring the Marine Reserve

Learning how to look after the wild animals

Views: 225

Recently, the volunteers at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals have had the opportunity of some training on the handling of wild animals and giving them first aid when injured by accidents. Thanks to the commitment and dedicated altruism of many people, last year in 2016, the Centre marked a historical record by attending to more than 1000 animals. Continue reading Learning how to look after the wild animals

Model Tourism

Views: 264

The questionnaire which the Consell Insular recently did on line about tourism in Menorca has had over 1 700 responses which will help us to reflect on where we are and where we are going.
Both the age range and the professions of the people who responded to the questionnaire are diverse. Although we cannot claim the responses to be completely representative of Minorcan society, various things stand out. Continue reading Model Tourism

Conscientious Ecology