Tag Archives: Climate change

The week of Rubbish and Recycling in Menorca, 15 – 21 May

Views: 390

These days, filled with various events, includes the Week of Rubbish and Recycling in Menorca from 15 to 21 May. The week will be made up of films to be shown in different localities, conferences for understanding the management of rubbish on the island and the experiences of recycling in other places, and also a day of collecting and taking away rubbish from roads and paths. Continue reading The week of Rubbish and Recycling in Menorca, 15 – 21 May

Menorca March 13 May for a clean energy

Views: 186

The lobby group, Menorca without Fossil Fuels, has organised a protest march to stop further investments in energy requiring fossil fuels and to ask that the Central Power Station in Mahon changes its importation of combustible gas to natural gas brought here by boats. This initiative coincides with an international week of actions demanding a stop to investing in fossil fuels and in Menorca it will be preceded by a series of talks and conferences all over the island. Continue reading Menorca March 13 May for a clean energy

Appeal against gas for Menorca. Let us make way for renewable energy resources

Views: 213

GOB has lodged an appeal against the agreement made at the Plenary Session of the Ciutadella District Council to make public land at Rafal Amagat, in rural countryside, available for installing a liquid gas depot on behalf of Gas Natural Fenosa. The appeal has also been lodged with the Directorate General for Energy of the Balearic Government. Continue reading Appeal against gas for Menorca. Let us make way for renewable energy resources

The Case for Renewable Energy in the Region

Views: 232

Work to be done on renewable energy for Menorca

In general, most people are agreed on the importance of renewable energy. However, there is disagreement on how it ought to be established in the region. The recent case of the project for six wind turbines being refused at s´Era Vella to the north of Ciutadella is a good example of what happens as a result of conflict of interests and possible outcomes. Continue reading The Case for Renewable Energy in the Region