Tag Archives: Fauna

We cannot free marine turtles

Views: 274

If we find a marine turtle tangled up, we must not free it. We need to let 112 know. The turtles need to be disentangled by a vet to avoid complications, which can be very serious. Even if we see that it is in a distressing position, we must not do anything with it, because that could make it worse. It is very gratifying to know that many people have been concerned about the turtles they have found in a bad state and tried to help them by releasing them but it is not the correct way of going about it. These turtles may not survive because of later complications if they have not been checked by a specialist. What has to be done is to contact 112 and follow their instructions. Continue reading We cannot free marine turtles

We ask that professional fishing for blue crabs is given an incentive

Views: 533

More and more blue crabs are being seen on the coast of Menorca. They are considered to be one of the most invasive species of the Mediterranean. We have asked the Ministry of the Environment of the Balearic Government to persuade the professional fishing industry to catch this species, as a way of controlling its population. The blue crab was first found in 2017 and it has already spread to many areas along the island coast. Continue reading We ask that professional fishing for blue crabs is given an incentive

GOB reports on yet another hawk shot, this time twice

Views: 261

Another hawk was found shot and then taken to the Wildlife Recuperation Centre. The x-ray shows that this bird had survived a shooting from another time. The new attack produced inoperable injuries. This case has been reported to SEPRONA, the Guardia Civil service that deals with hunting and environmental protection issues. Public help is important in trying to eradicate these shameful events practiced by a minority of people that cause a great deal of harm. Continue reading GOB reports on yet another hawk shot, this time twice

Biodiversity: environmental richness linked to the Land Stewardship Scheme

Views: 187

There are plants and animals that react rapidly to changes in land management. The agreements that GOB has made with the farms that have signed up to the Land Stewardship Scheme include tracing, twice a year, wildlife indicators for evaluating the good health of the land environment. This is the time for starting analysis of the springtime work done in the fields. Continue reading Biodiversity: environmental richness linked to the Land Stewardship Scheme

Ideas for public investment confronting an economic recession

Views: 263

The intervention of government ministries considering investment at the end of the economic crisis following the pandemic emergency, must take into account that public money is for generating work at the same time as solving environmental problems. There are many possibilities for directing efforts along these lines. Here are various proposals. Continue reading Ideas for public investment confronting an economic recession

Report on the Animal Hospital during 2019

Views: 234

The Wildlife Recuperation Centre of Menorca during 2019 cared for 1,337 animals from 65 different species. More than 1,300 people visited it, including students from 12 different educational centres, groups for family workshops, and general visitors. There is an upward trend for animals requiring assistance, of which 36% have been able to be released back into the wild. Here you can find  the entire record of the year. Continue reading Report on the Animal Hospital during 2019

Management of pathways is called for

Views: 209

Menorca is suffering from a series of impacts on the natural values of its environment caused by people traversing some of these fragile areas. GOB has made formal presentations to the Catalogue of the Pathways of Ciutadella emphasising the need to plan effective management of areas where breeding is recorded and that require a minimum of tranquillity. Continue reading Management of pathways is called for

Another hawk shot in Menorca

Views: 503

It has happened again. GOB has made formal reports to SEPRONA (the Guardia Civil Nature Protection Service), to the Department of the Environment and to the Department of Hunting of the Island Governing Council that a hawk has been injured by shooting and is now in the GOB Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals. Nearly every year, protected animals are taken in that are victims of unscrupulous shooting. It is everyone’s job to try to identify this antisocial minority and bring to an end their shameful practice. Continue reading Another hawk shot in Menorca