Tag Archives: Territory

The road, the timetable and the controversy (2)

Views: 172

The controversy concerning invoices paid in relation to the main road works was addressed in a previous post. In this article we analyse the second important question dealt with by the action for information that GOB organised on Friday 9 February in front of the offices of the island local government, the Consell Insular. Continue reading The road, the timetable and the controversy (2)

Friday 9 February, action in front of the Consell Insular concerning the main road

Views: 169

GOB is calling for a meeting in front of the Consell Insular to discuss various aspects about the main road. The meeting will be on Friday 9 February at 11 am in the Plaça Biosfera in Mahon. Those people who are able to go will help to draw attention to some important questions on the matter. If you still have the SOS Menorca t-shirt, this will be a good opportunity to wear it. Continue reading Friday 9 February, action in front of the Consell Insular concerning the main road

Add your signature to a letter to the Meliá Hotels to reduce their impact on Son Bou

Views: 294

As we mentioned in the last post, there is a project to refurbish the two hotels in Son Bou maintaining their height of 12 floors each.

We have started a campaign to ask Melia Hotels to reconsider the project. You may sign a letter to Meliá Hotels International SA, Department of Corporate Management to request it: Continue reading Add your signature to a letter to the Meliá Hotels to reduce their impact on Son Bou

Restore the potential of the Albufera des Grau

Views: 242

Sending purified water to the lagoon, avoiding the use of lead shot, being able to feed carrion birds or leaving a part of the marine area for fishing only with creel, are some of the proposals that GOB has given recently for a Plan to Restore the Use and Management (Pla Rector d’Ús i Gestió (PRUG)) of the Albufera des Grau natural park. It will be a means of processing the management of a better relationship between human activities and a protected area. Continue reading Restore the potential of the Albufera des Grau

Demonstrations with results. Demolition of the huge roundabout at l’Argentina

Views: 266

The intended two level roundabouts between Ferreries and Ciutadella (at Son Sintes and Es Tudons) have been cancelled. And now, the Council for the Environment has ruled that the half constructed bridge at l’Argentina between Mahon and Alaior be demolished. Continue reading Demonstrations with results. Demolition of the huge roundabout at l’Argentina