Tag Archives: Proposals

Another red kite electrocuted on the same electricity pylon

Views: 250

Another red kite has been found dead at the bottom of the same electricity pylon on the Camí d´en Kane as the two for which GOB made an official complaint earlier in the year. In view of the lack of an effective answer, GOB will increase the pressure on those in charge of finding a solution to this problem. Continue reading Another red kite electrocuted on the same electricity pylon

The Case for Renewable Energy in the Region

Views: 233

Work to be done on renewable energy for Menorca

In general, most people are agreed on the importance of renewable energy. However, there is disagreement on how it ought to be established in the region. The recent case of the project for six wind turbines being refused at s´Era Vella to the north of Ciutadella is a good example of what happens as a result of conflict of interests and possible outcomes. Continue reading The Case for Renewable Energy in the Region

Water, waste and energy management should be priorities of tourist taxation

Views: 191

Some hints to contribute to the current debate on the future implementation of Ecotax in the Balearic Islands.

Water is one of the environmental resources which needs to have public investment made with the utmost urgency and which has not seemed feasible until now. Also, the management of waste presents many problems as does the near total dependence on fossil fuels whose contaminated emssions are at a much higher level than the maximum allowed internationally. Continue reading Water, waste and energy management should be priorities of tourist taxation

Maria Tudurí, pioneer woman farming in Menorca

Views: 470

The usual perception of farmers is of strong males working in all weathers with long hours. Maria Tuduri Sintes is the only woman who farms her own farm in Menorca. Of course, there are wives of farmers who help on their farms, but Maria rents 95 hectares which she farms alone using ecologically sustainable methods. Continue reading Maria Tudurí, pioneer woman farming in Menorca

A return to rational land legislation

Views: 215

A greater part of the large urbanisation threats to the rural land of Menorca, gestating during the last few years, will not be easy to execute any longer. The Decree which was published on 13 January in the Government’s Official Report incorporates most of the demands made over the last few years in the campaigns for land conservation. And that is a victory for the people who were committed to rationalising the uses of rural countryside. Continue reading A return to rational land legislation

Proposal for reconsideration of the plans for the main road of Menorca

Views: 198

Manifesto to ask the new Government of Consell Insular to redirect the interventions of high impact roundabouts in the main road of Minorca and to establish a dialogue process that provide citizen participation and come to a road model more integrated with this island characteristics. You can sign it here. Continue reading Proposal for reconsideration of the plans for the main road of Menorca