Tag Archives: Fauna

Statistics show a shortage of monitoring the Marine Reserve

Views: 200

When the demonstration last January took place to demand greater protection of the Marine Reserve to the north of Menorca, it was then announced that GOB would be able to consult the records of fines levied in the last few years. It has been done. The records have been analysed showing what fines have been made during the last six years by different groups monitoring fishing. Continue reading Statistics show a shortage of monitoring the Marine Reserve

Learning how to look after the wild animals

Views: 216

Recently, the volunteers at the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals have had the opportunity of some training on the handling of wild animals and giving them first aid when injured by accidents. Thanks to the commitment and dedicated altruism of many people, last year in 2016, the Centre marked a historical record by attending to more than 1000 animals. Continue reading Learning how to look after the wild animals

Progress on the coordination of greater vigilance of the Marine Reserve

Views: 171

Menorquins pel territori (Menorcans for the Island, a group of young Menorcans in Barcelona) and GOB have maintained meetings with the relevant public institutions to insist on the necessity of greater vigilance of illegal fishing of the Marine Reserve to the north of Menorca. There are good prospects in the short term. Continue reading Progress on the coordination of greater vigilance of the Marine Reserve

Another falcon with shotgun wounds taken into the Wild Life Hospital

Views: 207

GOB has made a formal complaint to SEPRONA (Guardia Civil Police) and the Environmental Agencies of a new case of a falcon wounded by a shotgun and which has recently been taken into the Wild Life Recuperation Centre. It is the fourth one in the last few years brought in for this reason. This year it is the second case of a protected species coming as a result of impacted pellets. Continue reading Another falcon with shotgun wounds taken into the Wild Life Hospital