Tag Archives: Fauna

Become part of GOB, 45 years later (video)

Views: 159


Many people say they have always wanted to be a part of GOB, but they never find the right moment. Now is an ideal time . This is because we are celebrating 45 years of uninterrupted years of ecology, of an association that has not stopped growing and establishing itself socially. Continue reading Become part of GOB, 45 years later (video)

Saturday, a public event in recognition of Jaume Pons, as recipient of the Pere Prats Prize for the Environment

Views: 154

You are invited to attend the occasion for the public recognition of Jaume Pons as the recipient of the Pere Prats Prize for the Environment. It will be this Saturday 19 November at 19.00 hours at the Molí del Rei (Camí des Castell, 53, de Maó). It is an opportunity to thank him for so many years of his dedication as a professional vet voluntarily caring for the animals that enter the Recuperation Centre for Wild Animals of Menorca. Continue reading Saturday, a public event in recognition of Jaume Pons, as recipient of the Pere Prats Prize for the Environment

Workshop at the Recuperation Centre for Wildlife: Animal Colours

Views: 210

There is a new workshop for all the family at the Recuperation Centre for Wildlife this Tuesday 12 July at 18.30

Think about the colours of animals: some tones are very flashy while others serve for concealment. What role does the appearance of animals play in their lives and survival? We can find out through games. Continue reading Workshop at the Recuperation Centre for Wildlife: Animal Colours

Sunday, open doors to the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

Views: 242

This Sunday, 5 June, will be an open day at the Centre of Recuperation for Wild Animals in Ciutadella. It is an opportunity to visit it on the Open Doors day between 10.00 and 14.00 hours. You will be able to see the animals that live there and to learn about the work that is done to look after the wild animals of Menorca. This open day is made possible with the help of Lithica and the Ciutadella Town Hall, to celebrate the World Day of the Environment. Continue reading Sunday, open doors to the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

Training to become a volunteer to look after orphaned chicks

Views: 163

The Centre for the Recuperation of Wild Animals requires help to look after the enormous quantity of chicks that are brought to us at this time of year. We are looking for volunteers able to care for these animals. For this reason, we have organised training in Ciutadella on Thursday 19 May (there was one in Mahon on Tuesday 17) for anyone interested and able to help us. Continue reading Training to become a volunteer to look after orphaned chicks

Cris Juanico supports the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

Views: 273

Cris Juanico, the Menorcan singer, recently participated in the liberation of an Egyptian vulture that had been injured and cared for at the Recuperation Centre. Firefighters had to rescue this young and inexperienced vulture that was trapped at the top of a palm tree in Sa Bassa, near Sant Lluis. The help of everyone is very important for the success of the work of the Wildlife Recuperation Centre beginning with the people who tell us when they find an animal and by many other people who help us in many ways including the volunteers and the sponsors of individual resident animals. sponsor one of the resident animals. Continue reading Cris Juanico supports the Wildlife Recuperation Centre

A new course on the environment for hikers

Views: 232

GOB is organizing a course on the environment to learn how to look at and discover details on our walks. This is designed for people who enjoy contact with nature and is orientated to give a general view of the natural values of Menorca and get close to them while respecting the need to preserve them. We want to transmit good practices and knowledge on plants, animals, mushrooms, geology… Continue reading A new course on the environment for hikers